Contact information:

Mentorum AS
Technical Support
Fredenborgsveien 24D
0177 OSLO

Tel: +47 22995139
Javascript needs to be turned on in order to use the learning platform.

To turn on Javascript do the following:

when using Internet Explorer web browser

1. Go to the Main menu in Internet Explorer, open Tools -> Internet options
2. Open the tab 'Security'
3. Make sure the Internet icon is marked and click on 'Custom settings'
4. Scroll down until you find 'Script'
5. Set 'Active scripting' to Activate in order to enable Javascript.
6. Javascript is now turned on, restart Internet Explorer and try again.

when using Firefox web browser

1. Go to the Main menu in Firefox, open Tools -> Options
2. Find the checkbox labelled 'Enable Javascript'
3. Tick the checkbox next to 'Enable Javascript'
4. Javascript is now enabled, restart Firefox and try again.